Tools (14 Articles)

Gatsby and ButterCMS

Learn how to build a Gatsby blog using ButterCMS. The code examples in this article let you combine Gatsby and ButterCMS in just a few minutes, no matter if you are a beginner or an expert.

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Changing the Color of All Links in a Google Slides Presentation with a Google Apps Script

We often use Google Slides at for our presentations. To comply with our corporate identity we usually change all colors to our brand color, which is a saturated green. There is one problem, though: The default hyperlink color in Google Slides is a light blue and can not be changed for all slides at once. Luckily, there is Google Apps Script, which allows you to automate Google Slides and other services.

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A/B Testing Using Google Analytics

A/B testing allows you to continually improve your product’s user experience or various sales and marketing KPIs, as long as your goals are well-defined and you have a clear hypothesis. This article does not tell you why you should do A/B testing, but focuses on how to track the test and analyze its result using JavaScript and Google Analytics.

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5 Chrome Developer Tools Features You Should Start Using Today

Developers use the Chrome DevTools on a regular basis. However, most developers limit themselves to a few features that are familiar to them – like changing CSS styles or checking JavaScript errors. It pays off to explore and discover new tools. In this post I’ll show you 5 features you may not yet know, but which I find very helpful in my work.

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Lightweight Testing of Front-End npm Packages

This tutorial explains using npm for front-end JavaScript package management and writing lightweight automated tests with Browserify, tape and Sinon. It also features transpiling with Babel, handling npm hooks and using npm privately without publishing your package.

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Brew Your First Tests with Mocha, Chai and 3½ Minutes

This post is for front-end developers who want to start writing tests. People have told them that testing their code is beneficial to their sanity. For some reason, though, they never got started – maybe because there are a lot of lenghty articles and different tools to consider. This article is different: It is a copy & paste guide to your first tests with a steeping time of about 3½ Minutes.

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Current Color for Fills and Strokes

Several people have given me feedback on my grunt-svg-symbols plugin. They especially liked the idea of changing color values to currentColor, so that the icons inherit the text color. Therefore the updated plugin has an option to automatically replace the values of all fill and stroke attributes for you.

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Simple SVG Icon System Using <symbol>

I won’t go into detail why an SVG icon system based on symbols is a good choice for your icons, because there are plenty of great articles out there. I will just give you an overview of our solution at and show you a tiny Grunt plugin called grunt-svg-symbols, which creates a bunch of SVG icon systems from as many folders full of icons as you like.

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