Testing (3 Articles)

A/B Testing Using Google Analytics

A/B testing allows you to continually improve your product’s user experience or various sales and marketing KPIs, as long as your goals are well-defined and you have a clear hypothesis. This article does not tell you why you should do A/B testing, but focuses on how to track the test and analyze its result using JavaScript and Google Analytics.

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Lightweight Testing of Front-End npm Packages

This tutorial explains using npm for front-end JavaScript package management and writing lightweight automated tests with Browserify, tape and Sinon. It also features transpiling with Babel, handling npm hooks and using npm privately without publishing your package.

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Brew Your First Tests with Mocha, Chai and 3½ Minutes

This post is for front-end developers who want to start writing tests. People have told them that testing their code is beneficial to their sanity. For some reason, though, they never got started – maybe because there are a lot of lenghty articles and different tools to consider. This article is different: It is a copy & paste guide to your first tests with a steeping time of about 3½ Minutes.

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