Functional Programming (5 Articles)

Game Graphics with WebGL/three.js and Lazy-Loading of 3D Models

This is the third part in a series on creating a game with RxJS 5, Immutable.js and three.js. We’ll look at rendering 3D graphics with WebGL by using the three.js library. The goal of this part is to have a scene that’s updated according to the Immutable.js collection returned by our game state stream.

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Game State with RxJS 5/Immutable.js

This is the second part in a series on creating a game with RxJS 5, Immutable.js and three.js. We’ll look into describing the game state with RxJS 5 observables and Immutable.js. The goal of this part is to have a stream of objects, where each object is an Immutable.js collection that represents the whole game state at a particular point in time.

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Functional Reactive Game Programming – RxJS Breakout

Functional Reactive Programming is currently one of the hottest paradigms in the JavaScript community. I played with RxJS over the last couple of weeks and decided that there is no better way to dive into it than recreating a classic game. Computer games infamously store a lot of external state and my goal was to model everything as streams without relying on a single external state variable.

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